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Lobby your candidates

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The announcement of the general election on 4 July allows us to make the voice of the countryside heard. We must ensure that those elected to represent us, and the next government, understand the priorities and concerns of rural people. Please play your part in making the rural voice heard by taking action. Our lobbying tool allows you to contact all the candidates in your constituency with just one click.

The threats to our way of life are real from extreme rewilding and vegan agendas to threats to restrict trail hunting and shooting. There are still too many politicians who are more interested in doing things to the countryside rather than doing things for it, and who do not understand rural communities' priorities.

Please note that letters will be sent to all candidates listed below but only one letter will be displayed as an example. Where a candidate has no publicly available contact details they will not appear in the list of candidates. We will be updating the data as new information becomes available.



Lobby your candidates

The announcement of the General Election on 4 July allows us to make the voice of the countryside heard. We must ensure that those elected to represent us, and the next government, understand the priorities and concerns of rural people. Please play your part in making the rural voice heard by taking action. Our lobbying tool allows you to contact all the candidates in your constituency with just one click.

The threats to our way of life are real from extreme rewilding and vegan agendas to threats to restrict trail hunting and shooting. There are still too many politicians who are more interested in doing things to the countryside rather than doing things for it, and who do not understand rural communities' priorities.

Please note that letters will be sent to all candidates listed below but only one letter will be displayed as an example. Where a candidate has no publicly available contact details they will not appear in the list of candidates. We will be updating the data as new information becomes available.