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Championing our countryside

General Election 2024

Our Rural Charter provides input on what we believe all political parties should be prioritising: tackling rural crime; championing farmers and producers; recognising the role of wildlife management and the value of trail hunting, shooting and fishing; and delivering a connected countryside.

General Election manifesto

Lobby your candidates

Lobbying candidates is the single most effective way of making a difference in the General Election. We have created a tool for you to lobby candidates standing in your constituency which asks them to support the rural way of life.

Gary McCartney - Director for Northern Ireland

Highlights of the Rural Charter

The countryside can, and will, play its part in making the UK a prosperous country, but policymakers must demonstrate they understand and respect the rural way of life and commit to tackling the issues facing our communities with genuine focus and commitment.

Tackle the blight of rural crime
Champion British farmers and producers
Recognise the role of wildlife management and the value of trail hunting, shooting and fishing
Deliver a connected countryside

Tackle the blight of rural crime


•    An overhaul of the way police prioritise rural crime to reflect the growing serious and organised element of rural criminality and its impact on rural communities.
•    The police to implement strategies that foster collaboration and rebuild trust between police and rural communities, including by encouraging reporting.
•    The police to respond to every report that is made, in order to address the growing feeling that police cannot or will not do anything about rural crime.
•    Greater support of dedicated rural crime teams through fair funding for rural police forces.


Champion British farmers and producers


•    50% of food procured by public bodies must be British.
•    Public bodies to be banned from removing meat and dairy produce from menus and greater consumption of sustainable game meat, including venison, across the public sector.
•    A commitment to use all public platforms to promote the importance of shopping locally and supporting British farmers and producers.
•    Proposals for a meat tax to be rejected.


Recognise the role of wildlife management and the value of trail hunting, shooting and fishing


•    No unjustified restrictions on wildlife management, trail hunting or other rural activities.
•     Wildlife laws based on sound evidence and a consistent and principled approach across species.
•    Improved water quality and a national fisheries policy which supports recreational fishing.
•    Promoting the ability for more people to visit the countryside through managed and responsible access.


Deliver a connected countryside


•     Fully funded proposals to improve broadband for very hard to reach premises and ensure the Universal Service Obligation delivers connectivity to rural communities.
•    Preparation of rural communities for transport electrification ensuring access to an adequate charging infrastructure and a robust electricity grid.
•    A reliable public transport network to serve and connect rural communities.
•    Homes and industrial buildings to deliver solar and other renewable energy generation before using productive farmland.

Highlights of the Rural Charter

The countryside can, and will, play its part in making the UK a prosperous country, but policymakers must demonstrate they understand and respect the rural way of life and commit to tackling the issues facing our communities with genuine focus and commitment.

Tackle the blight of rural crime


Tackle the blight of rural crime


•    An overhaul of the way police prioritise rural crime to reflect the growing serious and organised element of rural criminality and its impact on rural communities.
•    The police to implement strategies that foster collaboration and rebuild trust between police and rural communities, including by encouraging reporting.
•    The police to respond to every report that is made, in order to address the growing feeling that police cannot or will not do anything about rural crime.
•    Greater support of dedicated rural crime teams through fair funding for rural police forces.

Champion British farmers and producers


Champion British farmers and producers


•    50% of food procured by public bodies must be British.
•    Public bodies to be banned from removing meat and dairy produce from menus and greater consumption of sustainable game meat, including venison, across the public sector.
•    A commitment to use all public platforms to promote the importance of shopping locally and supporting British farmers and producers.
•    Proposals for a meat tax to be rejected.

Recognise the role of wildlife management and the value of trail hunting, shooting and fishing


Recognise the role of wildlife management and the value of trail hunting, shooting and fishing


•    No unjustified restrictions on wildlife management, trail hunting or other rural activities.
•     Wildlife laws based on sound evidence and a consistent and principled approach across species.
•    Improved water quality and a national fisheries policy which supports recreational fishing.
•    Promoting the ability for more people to visit the countryside through managed and responsible access.

Deliver a connected countryside


Deliver a connected countryside


•     Fully funded proposals to improve broadband for very hard to reach premises and ensure the Universal Service Obligation delivers connectivity to rural communities.
•    Preparation of rural communities for transport electrification ensuring access to an adequate charging infrastructure and a robust electricity grid.
•    A reliable public transport network to serve and connect rural communities.
•    Homes and industrial buildings to deliver solar and other renewable energy generation before using productive farmland.

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Rural Charter

While the UK countryside offers many a much needed escape from the hustle and bustle of urban life, it is also a home and place of work for millions of people. It faces its own set of unique and often complex challenges and, sadly, there is a feeling amongst many in rural communities that within the corridors of Whitehall, the countryside is all too often forgotten or at best considered only as an afterthought.

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Please donate

The general election this year is critical. It has been reported that ‘strengthening’ the Hunting Act, banning grouse shooting, restricting game farming, increasing the regulation of gun ownership, and creating a ‘right to roam’ will all be on the political agenda. Please donate and help us defend our way of life.

The Rural Charter

donate to the general election appeal 2024

The general election this year is critical. It has been reported that ‘strengthening’ the Hunting Act, banning grouse shooting, restricting game farming, increasing the regulation of gun ownership, and creating a ‘right to roam’ will all be on the political agenda. Please donate and help us defend our way of life.


Read our analysis of the party manifestos

  • Video Thumbnail in module
    Playing Now
    Gary McCartney
    Director for Northern Ireland
    02 July 2024
  • Video Thumbnail in module
    Playing Now
    Jake Swindells
    Director for Scotland
    27 June 2024
  • Video Thumbnail in module
    Playing Now
    Rachel Evans
    Director for Wales
    18 June 2024
  • Video Thumbnail in module
    Playing Now
    Roger Seddon
    Shooting Campaign Manager
    17 June 2024
  • Video Thumbnail in module
    Playing Now
    Polly Portwin
    Director of the Campaign for Hunting
    14 June 2024

General election videos

Watch to learn how the party manifestos could impact the activities you love.