Teaching Material
Discover fun facts about different types of fish, fishing licenses, and bait with our downloadable quiz. Help your students relax and focus with our pike colouring sheet, beautifully illustrated by Charles Jardine. Additionally, our Angling and the Environment worksheet offers a great resource for teaching students about the important relationship between angling and environmental conservation.
Educational videos
Aquatic Entomology
In this short clip we explore Lee's passion for aquatic entomology. Lee was taught by the very best and loves passing on his knowledge to the school kids through the Fishing for Schools outdoor classes.
Education through Angling with Richard Jamieson
Richard Jamieson is an instructor for Fishing for Schools in the Yorkshire and Peak District regions. Watch Richard teach the tricks to fly fishing, assembling a rod and safety tips with his grandson Logan.
SAFETY: Education through Angling with Richard Jamieson
Richard Jamieson is an instructor for Fishing for Schools in the Yorkshire and Peak District regions. Watch him teach the top tips for safety whilst fly fishing and out on the river side.
SETTING UP YOUR ROD: Education through Angling with Richard Jamieson of Fishing for Schools
THE ENVIRONMENT: Education through Angling with Richard Jamieson of Fishing for Schools
Richard Jamieson is an instructor for Fishing for Schools in the Yorkshire and Peak District regions. Watch him teach the top tips about the environment whilst fly fishing and out on the river side.
CASTING: Education through Angling with Richard Jamieson of Fishing for Schools
Richard Jamieson is an instructor for Fishing for Schools in the Yorkshire and Peak District regions. Watch him teach the top tips for casting whilst fly fishing and out on the river side.
Attaching your Leader with Bob Goble
Connecting ones fly line to the leader is one of the more important tasks a Flyfisher can make. Not only has the union got to be strong; but it also should continue and enhance the kinetic energy and dynamic movement that the fly fisher tries to achieve during the actual casting movement and have that flow down to the ultimate point…the turnover of leader and fly. Here Bob Goble shows you how simple that this can be.
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