Countryside Alliance News

24 November - 30 November - Great British Game Week

Written by Countryside Alliance | 5 April 2015

The Countryside Alliance's Game to Eat Initiative, in conjunction with BASC's Taste of Game, is running Great British Game Week, a focus for lots of events, dinners and special offers promoting game to consumers. We will be encouraging trying game for the first time and trying new products which have game in them i.e. pies, sausages, burgers and charcuterie.

COMPETITION - we will be running some great game competitions in the run up and throughout the week, so keep an eye on social media.

SEND IN YOUR RECIPES & PICTURES - we love to see what creations you come up with over the game season. Make sure you send them into HQ and if they pass the lip-licking test then will even put them up on the Game to Eat website, for thousands of others to enjoy.

REMEMBER to eat wild game and enjoy #GBGameWeek


Red Deer Tartare

Roast Grouse

Roast Mallard

Feel free to download the LOGO (above) and the Great British Game Week Poster for your own use.