Countryside Alliance News

About Game

Written by Countryside Alliance | 31 March 2015

Game is wild, natural and free range with a distinctive flavour making it a great alternative to beef, pork, lamb and chicken. And, as it's low in cholesterol and high in protein Game is one of the healthiest meats available today. For example, venison, with its brilliant taste and extra lean meat, is perfect for anyone on a low fat diet, just have a look at the nutritional facts.

As the popularity of Game meat is growing with cooks and chefs alike, supplies are becoming widely available, so keep a look out for the tempting selection of ready-to-cook game at your local butcher or in the supermarket.

Although the Game season is quite short, more and more frozen meat is available for all year round convenience so favourite recipes can be stored in the freezer for future use.

Game For Cooking

Gone are the days when pheasants and venison were kept for special dinner parties. Whatever the occasion you'll find a great Game-to-eat recipe on this site! Whether you're cooking for a mid week supper, a dinner party or a quiet night in with some-one special, tap into our fantastic array of recipes and impress!

The classic way of cooking game birds is to roast them in the oven and serve with Game chips but with the availability of handy ready to cook portions they are just as good in casseroles, pies, pates, soups and sausages. Try cubed venison for a healthy yet hearty casserole or minced venison for a burger with a difference. Low fat venison sausages make a convenient and great tasting mid week meal (the children will love them) and for a curry with a twist, look out for Tandoori Pheasant. The choice is endless.