Countryside Alliance News

Aim to Sustain Game Assurance scheme is now operational

Written by Countryside Alliance | 7 December 2023

The Aim to Sustain Game Assurance scheme is now operational, having transferred from the British Game Assurance. The scheme is voluntary and allows shoots, estates and game farms to demonstrate that they operate to the highest standards with regard to welfare and operation, through a process of audit and certification carried out by an experienced, accredited, independent body. The game meat from certified members of the scheme is guaranteed to be of the highest quality.

The high standards, which certified members must meet are based on legislation, science and best-practice guidelines from the shooting sector. These varied, comprehensive, auditable standards are focussed on assessment of:

  • Animal health and welfare
  • Food quality
  • Environmental enhancement and protection
  • Staff training
  • Health and safety

Certified members can demonstrate that their game is of the highest quality by using the Aim to Sustain Assured Game logo when selling their game. This logo is something which consumers should be looking for when looking to buy game for the table. For the future of the shooting sector, it is essential that shoots, estates and game farms are providing high-quality game for the table, which inspires confidence and enthusiasm in the product.

With the assurance scheme having transferred to Aim to Sustain, the British Game Assurance (BGA) will become known as Eat Wild and will primarily focus on ensuring a market for shot game. Eat Wild will remain a key driver of assurance through both the Aim to Sustain Game Assurance scheme and Quality Venison Scheme, and will be taking on the key, but challenging role of marketing and promoting British venison. Under the BGA, the game meat market has already seen a 7% increase, Eat Wild and Aim to Sustain Game Assurance look forward to continuing that trajectory.

For more information about the Assurance scheme standards, how to become a member and much more, please visit the Aim to Sustain Game Assurance scheme website here.

The Alliance encourages all game shoots, estates and game farms to become members of the Aim to Sustain Game Assurance scheme.