Countryside Alliance News

Autumn 2016 magazine now online

Written by Countryside Alliance | 15 September 2016

The Countryside Alliance's Autumn magazine has been posted to our membership and is now online - download it here. The Editor's letter outlines the content for the issue: After a fast-moving and seismic few months in the political world it's good to be on the surer ground of our sporting seasons in the lead up to Christmas. Sorry to mention the 'C' word, but our gift and card collection features on p12-13 and is a great way to support our work into 2017 (and beyond).

In addition to buying with us, please support us in other ways by attending our exclusive Hamish Mackie exhibition viewing in London (p34) or one of our big Race Days - Cheltenham (p11), Aintree and Ffos Las (p47) are all in prospect.

This is also our annual report issue so please turn to p9 for the report and accounts.

Sporting features abound this issue, with our moorlands providing the backdrop to both the Bettie Town Glenprosen Challenge (p18) and a shoot walk for ramblers (p26.) We also find out more about the Dess Estate in Aberdeenshire (p44) and are grateful to busy lady Gun and shooting entrepreneur Victoria Knowles-Lacks, whose charisma is evident on p48.

Former hunt saboteur Miles Cooper explains why the Hunting Act must be repealed (p15) while Catherine Austen enjoys a day with the Heythrop (p20) and Georgie Archer marvels at the 'show of shows', the Festival of Hunting (p30).

Elsewhere we feature Bill Wiggin MP's love of Hereford cattle (p23), our former Chairman John Jackson writes of his smallholding (p28), BT outlines its broadband plans (p33) and Jim Barrington's 'Dogs with Jobs' strand explores how dogs are being used to sniff out dry rot (p36).

A grouse recipe, Fishing 4 Schools update, letters and events complete the issue. I wish you a sporting season.

Jill Grieve
Follow me on Twitter @CAjilly