Countryside Alliance News

Avian Influenza - "Stop The Spread" Defra Webinars

Written by Countryside Alliance | 3 March 2022

Due to the current outbreak of Avian Influenza, maintaining effective biosecurity has never been more critical. Following the successful series of Avian Influenza "Stop the Spread" webinars in January and December, Defra has announced that it will be holding two new webinar events on Monday 7th March (at 12pm and 5pm), which are for those involved in the gamebird sector.

These events, which will be hosted by leading Defra epidemiologists and veterinary professionals, will cover:

  • The latest information on the national situation and the high number of cases in the North Yorkshire, Lincolnshire & Leicestershire areas.
  • Essential biosecurity measures that all bird keepers and those involved in activities with birds should be taking.
  • An opportunity to ask questions about biosecurity best practice.

To register for one of the Defra webinars, please click here.