Countryside Alliance News

Countryside Alliance shooting team launches @CA_Shooting account

Written by Countryside Alliance | 26 January 2016

As the next step in the shooting campaign the Countryside Alliance has launched a new Twitter feed - @CA_Shooting - to broadcast the good work undertaken by the shooting community across the country. Our plan is to welcome submissions (in particular loads of great photographs!) from anyone who wants to contribute, and tweet them out with a link back to whoever sent them to us. It'll be great publicity for shooting and great exposure for any contributors who want it. In the fullness of time we will see the feed supported by a blog, welcoming blog entries from anyone who wants to contribute and expanding on the more interesting stories we are sent. You might want to document a conservation project, write up a shoot day or perhaps tell us about a new shooting business.

We are going to focus on pictures and stories that show how shooting is for everyone and binds communities, that it supports the rural economy, provides jobs and of course does great conservation work. We want stories big and small, a gamekeeper planting a tree, a child's first time shooting or a huge habitat restoration project, if there's a nice photo and a good caption we'll put it out. We're happy to post about upcoming events as long as they fit with our key message that shooting does good for society.

Please send any and all pictures, comments and stories to [email protected], with your twitter handle if you want us to mention you!