Countryside Alliance News

Char Grilled Partridge with Bramley Apple and Whisky Compote

Written by Countryside Alliance | 5 April 2015

Partridge breasts, wrapped in air dried ham, sautéed in butter, served with a spicy (hot & cool) apple compote. Again, cooked for 5 minutes in total.

Serves: 4
3 large Bramley apples, peeled, cored and chopped roughly
100mls cider vinegar
100g unrefined golden castor sugar
1 large glass dry white wine
100mls whisky
1 organic vegetable stock cube (Kallo)
Pinch turmeric2 pinches ground allspice
8 partridge breasts
8 large slices of air dried ham
2 tbsp veg oil
55g butter
Salt and freshly milled black pepper

• Place the apples, vinegar, sugar, wine and whiskey, stock cube, turmeric and allspice into a pan.
• Place on the stove and bring to the boil.
• Cover and turn down the heat, and then cook slowly until thick and reduced, stirring from time to time.
• You may need to add a little water if the compote becomes too thick and dry.
• Season with salt and pepper, and then add the butter.
• Cook until nice and pulpy, but not too smooth.
• Meanwhile, season the breasts well with salt and pepper.
• Next wrap the breasts in the air dried ham.
• Heat a small frying or grill pan.
• Oil the wrapped breasts, then pan fry for 5-6 minutes gently on each side, remove, cover and leave to rest for 8-9 minutes. They must be pink, not overcooked.
• Serve the warm compote in the middle of a bowl, then top with 2 breasts sliced, with a little game sauce over the top

Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 35 minutes

Copyright Phil Vickery

September 2008