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Charles Jardine's London Marathon blog: Week 6 - What a week!

Well goodness me, it's been a funny old week – with gruelling exercise, lots of F4S meetings and then the attack on Westminster.

Last Saturday I was in Bournemouth as a guest of Downton Running Club to join elite hepathletes for a session that really showed how inept I am at this running game! We were doing intervals up and down the Chines – as I say, gruelling! But I love the Downton Runners' motto – Run hard, eat cake. A maxim I can aspire to!

Then on Sunday it was the Hale Hurriers and a 15K romp around the New Forest. Sadly I think that was my dog Midge's last time out with the Hurriers. He tried his utmost but at a venerable 11 years old I think it was a bit much for him. Poor old lad, I know how he feels!

Fishing 4 Schools stuff took up my time on Monday and Tuesday and then it was off to Westminster on Wednesday for the Countryside Alliance's Rural Oscars. This great event is held in the House of Lords each year and celebrates the best of our rural enterprises and heroes. I love going along and meeting the incredible characters hard at work in the countryside and this year's finalists were no exception.

However a gym session back in Downton meant I had to slope off a little early and piecing together the events of the day it seems I walked across Westminster Bridge just minutes before the terrorist attack. I knew nothing about the events until much later and I must say it gave me a very nasty jolt.

Today, Friday, I'm back in London for Red Nose Day! This afternoon I shall be giving a casting demo in Green Park with all proceeds going to the cause. I have no idea what form the afternoon will take but I'm sure it will be fun, and I think that's what London and I need at the moment.

Keep smiling, Charles

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