Countryside Alliance News

Charlie Jardine's "thank you" mail from youngsters proves F4S success

Written by Countryside Alliance | 23 March 2015

Fishing 4 Schools Director Charles Jardine receives numerous "thank you" cards and pictures from those who have participated in the programme. Charles recently had a number of cards thanking him for a recent open day at Meon Springs Fishery in Hampshire. Letters from the youngsters included "I had never been fishing before and I am lucky to have had the chance to do it" and "I caught a fish first time, which made me feel excited and very happy. I enjoyed watching the chef cooking the trout in different ways.....It was very kind of you and the Countryside Alliance to let us come. I will remember it".

These letters make it all worthwhile and show the importance of the programme which relies on supporter generosity to keep going. If you would like to donate to Fishing 4 Schools, call us today on 020 7840 9270.

A picture drawn as a "thank you" for Charles by a pupil at Dorset's Yewstock School