Countryside Alliance News

Countryside Alliance asks Labour leadership candidates their priorities for rural Britain

Written by Countryside Alliance | 27 July 2016

At this important time for the countryside, following the vote to leave the European Union, rural communities are looking for clear leadership and direction. As part of this Labour leadership campaign we have invited the Labour leadership candidates Jeremy Corbyn MP and Owen Smith MP to set out their priorities for rural Britain.

Below are five key questions which we have asked them to respond to and any responses we receive will be made publicly available on our website in order that people voting in the leadership election have a better understanding of their priorities for rural Britain.

  1. Do you support the Government's commitment to a broadband Universal Service Obligation (USO) with the ambition to give people the legal right to request a connection to broadband with speeds of 10 Mbit/s, no matter where they live?

  1. Do you agree that current levels of European Union funding available to UK agriculture under the Common Agricultural Policy should be maintained until at least 2020?

  1. Do you agree that there needs to be more incentives for landowners to make land available for affordable housing in rural communities as part of measures to tackle the housing crisis in rural areas?

  1. Can you assure the 650,000 holders of shotgun and firearms certificates in this country that you support lawful shooting?

  1. Do you agree that people who undertake lawful activities in the countryside, should be able to do so without interference, and without facing intimidation?