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Countryside Alliance at the 2024 Party Conferences

Parliament will return from its summer recess on Monday 02 September for only a brief period, because from the week starting on Monday 16 September, both Houses will be in recess again for the party conference season. As ever, the Countryside Alliance looks forward to our fascinating programme of events across the Liberal Democrat, Labour and Conservative Party Conferences. This will be just one of the many opportunities the Alliance is taking to engage with politicians from all major political parties, at all levels.  

The subject for our fringe events will be the same at all three conferences: The Future of the Countryside in a New Parliament. Each takes place in a profoundly distinct political context. While Labour and, especially, the Liberal Democrats made unprecedented gains of seats across rural Britain at the last election, these came mainly at the expense of the Conservatives, the primary focus of whose conference will be the contest to elect its new leader.  

We hope delegates at each conference will accept our invitation to discuss how the new political world since the election will affect rural Britain, and how each party should respond in shaping its rural policy for the future. 

If you plan to attend any of the party conferences, please do come along: you will be most welcome.


Liberal Democrats (Brighton, 14-17 September)

Sunday 15 September, 11:30-12:30: Alexandra Suite, Grand Hotel (outside the secure zone) 

Labour (Liverpool, 22-25 September)

Sunday 22 September, 14:00-15:00: Room 10, ACC Arena (inside the secure zone) 

Conservatives (Birmingham, 29 September-02 October)

Tuesday 01 Oct, 13:00-14:30: Scherzo, Hyatt Regency Hotel (inside the secure zone) 


Further details, including of panel speakers, will be made available in due course. 

Our work to bring the voice of the countryside to policymakers across the political spectrum could not continue without your support. To help us raise the volume, please consider joining the Countryside Alliance today. 

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