Hunting community takes part in Countryside...
The Countryside Alliance's annual Countryside Clean Up, which took place between Friday, 25th March...
about this blogRead moreMajor changes to the General Licence announced by Natural England, today (23rd April) at less than 36 hours notice will put thousands of people at risk of unknowingly breaking the law whilst controlling species such as pigeons and carrion crows from Thursday (25th April). The ability to control several species of wild birds through licensing to prevent serious damage or disease, to preserve public health or public safety, and to conserve flora and fauna under 'open licences' will all be revoked in an unprecedented move by the statutory agency.
While Natural England claim a new set of licences will be brought in from Monday (29th April) the revocation and confusion over the coming days and weeks will leave farmers, pest controllers and conservationists with significant problems. The new set of licences have not yet even been consulted on, leaving huge uncertainty about the ability to control wild birds going forward.
This comes at a particularly sensitive time when new-born lambs need protecting from crows, crops need protecting from pigeons, and dozens of red-listed species need protection from corvids. The decision also has a direct impact on pest controllers who use the General Licence to preserve public health and safety. Any delays to licences being granted because of this revocation could risk human health.
Tim Bonner, Chief Executive of the Countryside Alliance, said: "Whatever Natural England's legal advice, the withdrawal of Open General Licences at incredibly short notice is completely impractical and irresponsible, and will result in thousands of people unknowingly breaking the law. Pigeons, corvids and other species that damage crops, livestock and biodiversity have always been regularly and lawfully controlled without bureaucratic restrictions. To withdraw the historic ability to manage these species without individual licences at 36 hours notice is a recipe for disaster. Many of those involved in pest control will be unaware of the changes, and this decision will only serve to bring the law into disrepute.
"The decision to bring in a new set of licences without consulting stakeholders or the public is even more bizarre. We have already contacted Natural England for an urgent meeting and will be keeping our members in England up to date with this evolving issue."
Articles and news
The Countryside Alliance's annual Countryside Clean Up, which took place between Friday, 25th March...
about this blogRead moreHundreds of volunteers were out in force over the weekend (6th and 7th April) to take part in the...
about this blogRead moreThe Countryside Alliance's annual Countryside Clean-up soon returns with those who care about our...
about this blogRead moreWe are the most effective campaigning organisation in the countryside.