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Holyrood Magazine - 2nd Misleading Fox Hunting Article: CA Scotland Responds

Countryside Alliance Scottish Director Jamie Stewart has responded to another highly misleading article by the League Against Cruel Sports (LACS) in the Holyrood magazine: Time to ban fox hunting for good

This is the second misleading LACS comment piece that has been published in the Holyrood magazine over the past fortnight. Earlier this month Scottish Director, Jamie Stewart, responded to a highly misleading article about snaring.

Commenting on the latest article, Scottish Director Jamie Stewart said:

"I was very disappointed to see a second highly misleading and inaccurate comment piece in the latest edition of the Holyrood magazine. It is worrying that a publication that claims to be strictly objective in its editorial and politically neutral continues to publish such factually questionable comment pieces from a discredited organisation.

"We understand that LACS have targeted the publication and are paying significant amounts of money for their dubious comment pieces to be promoted."

Below is Scottish Director Jamie Stewart's response to the latest LACS article:

"Sir, I find Mr Marsland's tactics hugely disrespectful to Lord Bonomy and his team. Despite the hypocritical welcome statement, LACS are obviously in disagreement with his recommendations to the Scottish Government and have taken to paying for propaganda to try and influence the mind of the Cabinet Secretary and members of the Scottish parliament.

"Marsland continues to peddle his lies over the timeline of events and the contents of his heavily edited footage. He shows his true colours when taking a swipe at the Westminster government and reveals the true intent of the LACS campaign. This was never about animal welfare in Scotland."

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