Countryside Alliance News

Environment Secretary addresses CA Christmas Reception

Written by Countryside Alliance | 15 December 2017

The Environment Secretary, Rt Hon Michael Gove MP, was amongst 50 MPs and Peers who attended the Countryside Alliance Christmas Reception in Parliament on Monday 11th December.

The annual Reception brought together parliamentarians from across the political divide and from every part of the country. This year's Reception included the launch of a collection of essays on the future of wildlife law from leading environmentalists and land managers which will form the basis for a public debate in the New Year.

The Environment Secretary praised the work of the Alliance and said he looked forward to continuing to work with the Alliance Chairman, Simon Hart MP, and Chief Executive, Tim Bonner, as Defra continues to develop policy in a number of important areas for the countryside in the New Year, including a new agricultural policy, and a new Animal Welfare Bill.

James Somerville-Meikle, Political Relations Manager at the Countryside Alliance, commented: "It was good to see a number of parliamentarians who we have worked with over the last year, and some new faces who we look forward to working with in 2018. The Alliance works with a broad range of MPs and Peers and that was reflected in the turnout at our Reception. It was particularly good to see the Environment Secretary, Michael Gove, and hear him endorse our wildlife law essay collection. The Alliance has been leading the debate on the future of wildlife law outside of the EU and we look forward to continuing this in the New Year ".