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Environment Secretary praises game shooting

Environment Secretary, Michael Gove MP, stated at an event in Parliament this week that people involved in shooting understand "in their DNA" the need to sustain diverse habitats.

Speaking at the All Party Parliamentary Group for Game and Wildlife Conservation on Tuesday, he praised the conservation work of shooting, saying "those who have an interest in game shooting, have by definition, an interest in sustainability".

The event was a chance to discuss the Government's proposed Agriculture Bill which will provide the framework for a new agricultural policy to replace CAP. The Environment Secretary stated that around 460/470,000 people are employed in agriculture but recognised that the same number of people are involved in field sports and therefore they are "just as important to listen to" when developing new policy. He also recognised the importance of game meat and the need for the effective marketing of game as part of agricultural trade post Brexit.

More information about the APPG for Game and Wildlife Conservation can be found on the GWCT website.

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