Countryside Alliance News

Facts about Game Sales

Written by Countryside Alliance | 31 March 2015

The Game to Eat Campaign has been on a fact finding mission to discover the changing trends in the sales of game. The conclusions are quite self explanatory –

Mintel report (2010):

  • Between 2002 and 2009 game has increased in sales by 92%.

  • Venison sales are estimated to be worth £43m which is a growth of 34% between 2006-09

  • Feathered game is estimated to be worth £21m showing a growth of 31% between 2006-09

  • Other game is estimated to be worth £11m showing a growth of 22% between 2006-09

From independent stores:

  • Marks & Spencers – 340% increase in venison sales between 2010-2011

  • Waitrose – Pigeon sales up by 40% between 2010-2011

  • Sainsburys – game selection up a third year on year (2008-2011).

From the outside this looks like brilliant news; however we believe there is still work to be done. For example, supermarkets are tending to sell imported farmed venison fromNew Zealandover wild British venison. In fact more and more British venison is being exported toEuropewhere they receive higher prices. From our point of view it appears like the whole world appreciates British venison except for the British.

It bears the impression that we have taught the general public to enjoy venison; however our job now is to educate them on the right venison. #buybritish…