Countryside Alliance News

Firearms licensing – don't delay

Written by Countryside Alliance | 17 March 2015

If you shoot with a shotgun, stalk with a rifle or just control pests, your firearm and shotgun certificates are fundamental to your sport. The Alliance works closely with police forces up and down the country to ensure that your certificate renewal is processed promptly, properly and fairly and most licensing departments do their very best to avoid unnecessary delays. But ensuring speedy renewal is not just down to the police, and together with other shooting associations we are urging our members to play their part in the process. Most forces will send certificate holders a renewal pack 8-12 weeks before the expiry of the old certificate. When you receive a renewal pack, please act promptly. Return your application as soon as you can, fully completed and signed, together with payment and any other information that is required. Don't delay, for if you do so, then you will be responsible should your new certificate not be issued before your old one has expired, and you may have to make other arrangements for the safekeeping of your guns. Please help your local firearms licensing team to help you.