Countryside Alliance News

Fishing 4 Schools feature in the Telegraph

Written by Countryside Alliance | 7 November 2016

On Saturday 5th November 2016 the Daily Telegraph's Education section featured The Countryside Alliance Foundation's Fishing 4 Schools project. In "Cast the rod, empower the child," Jonny Cooper writes: "Look what happens as soon as you start teaching fishing to children," says Charles Jardine, reaching for his equipment. "You tell them to hold a net in the water, like this" – he extends a thin black pole horizontally into the lake in front of us – "and then you say 'hold a rod over it at 40 degrees, like this' " – up goes the rod, creating the second side of a triangle. "The first thing the kids say is, 'what's 40 degrees?' Bang. You're teaching them geometry without them realising." I suppose they don't call it angling for nothing. Jardine's impromptu demonstration neatly explains the theory behind Fishing4Schools, a Countryside Alliance scheme that introduces young people to the skills – and joys – of fishing." Read the article in full here.