Countryside Alliance News

Fishing 4 Schools' instructors get together in Wiltshire

Written by Countryside Alliance | 23 July 2017

This week the regional teams responsible for running The Countryside Alliance Foundation's popular Fishing 4 Schools programmes got together at the beautiful Manningford Fishery near Pewsey in Wiltshire to catch up, share ideas and plan next steps. National Director Charles Jardine called the meeting to bring together coarse and game anglers from across England. Charles talked about the power of this national charitable project and the potential it has to develop and change more young lives through fishing.

Given that the teams are usually so busy delivering short angling courses for young anglers in schools and Pupil Referral Units, they don't often get together, so it was helpful for them all to speak to each other about how they shape courses, budgets, the challenges they face, ideas for fundraising and publicity and also how rewarding the programme is for pupils and instructors alike. Read more about the programme here.