Countryside Alliance News

Fit for Table

Written by Countryside Alliance | 31 March 2015

Author: Mike Robinson

Photographs: Nick Ridley

Publisher: Quiller Publishing

Price: £16.95

The blurb sums up what this book is about perfectly: "You have caught your game – now how do you prepare it for the table?" This is not a recipe book, but an essential manual for all field sportsmen, chefs and anyone with an interest in preparing their own game.

Written by leading tv chef Mike Robinson, who specialises in game, this book contains detailed instructions and step-by-step colour photographs showing the correct way to pluck, skin and butcher common game birds, venison, boar, rabbit and even squirrel which is now growing in popularity.

A concise and practical ring-bound guide suited to keen cooks and budding butchers. Copies can be obtained through or telephone 01939 261616