Countryside Alliance News

Get involved and complete the National Rural Crime Survey

Written by Countryside Alliance | 19 April 2018

Do you think rural crime has gone up or down in the countryside?

Do you feel safer? What's your view of the police in your community?

It's three years since the last National Rural Crime Survey revealed the huge cost of crime to rural communities – both financial, at £800 million per year, and fear, with chronic under-reporting, anger and frustration at the police and government.

The National Rural Crime Network produced a series of recommendations and, in many areas, the police took steps to improve matters. So, now, they want to know what's changed – what is the true picture of crime and anti-social behaviour in rural communities, and the impact it has where you live or work.

The Countryside Alliance is backing this important survey and is urging our members, supporters and anyone living or working in a rural community to spare a few minutes to complete the survey. The results will provide a clear picture of what has improved, what challenges remain and what more government, police forces and organisations can do to support the most isolated parts of the country which is why it is important you take part to ensure your voice is heard.