Countryside Alliance News

Get ready for Great British Game Week 2015

Written by Countryside Alliance | 15 September 2015

The mouth-watering tastes of game meat will be celebrated again this year in Great British Game Week, which runs from 22-29 November.

Great British Game Week celebrates all that is great about British game and is aimed at introducing new people to these healthy and natural meats.

After the success of last year's event, we aim to make the second Great British Game Week even bigger and more successful, with more restaurants and pubs cooking up new and exciting dishes and more events to introduce game to new audiences.

Great British Game Week 2015 is being run by BASC's Taste of Game campaign and the Countryside Alliance's Game to Eat campaign. The week will feature a range of events, tastings and special offers and businesses can get involved by running special introductory offers.

Jack Knott of the Countryside Alliance's Game to Eat campaign, said: "It's a great opportunity for everyone who shoots, who sells game or just enjoys eating it, to get involved and celebrate this fantastic British, seasonal produce.

"Butchers and game dealers around the country are only too happy to advise those new to game how to get the best out of these wonderful meats and the Game to Eat and Taste of Game websites are bursting with recipes for you to try."

Annette Cole of Taste of Game said: "The event is open to everyone and is a great celebration of British foods. You could organise an event and help support rural people and businesses, put game on your restaurant menu or just try it for the first time yourself."

For more information and recipes to help you get involved, visit or

You can find a list of events here:

Businesses can download the Great British Game Week logo and promotional poster from: