Countryside Alliance News

Gundog Theft Awareness Week 2022

Written by Countryside Alliance | 1 November 2022

Gundog Theft Awareness Week, which runs from Monday 31st October 2022 to Monday 7th November 2022, aims to raise awareness of gundog theft and its prevention.

Dog theft, especially of working dogs, continues to be a huge problem in rural areas. With the increase in popularity of fieldsports comes the increase in demand for trained dogs and thieves see valuable gun dogs as a saleable commodity.

DogLost has previously stated that almost 50% of its missing dog reports actually relate to working dogs. The most commonly stolen gundogs are cocker and springer spaniels and labradors.

What can you do to protect your dog?

When you are out and about

  • Never leave your dog unattended.
  • If you are in the pub or in a public area don't boast about your dog. You never know who is listening...
  • If you have to keep your dog in the car for any period of time, ensure the car is locked.
  • Use tinted windows to obscure the view through the rear windows of your vehcile to protect your dogs if they're left in the car whilst you're working.

Review your security at home

  • If your dog lives indoors, take the usual principles to ensure safety.
  • If kennelled, build your kennel as close to your home as possible.
  • Use alarmed padlocks or passive infrared sensors that send text messages to your mobile phone if tampered with.
  • Install remote access CCTV, which allows you to regularly check on your dogs from your mobile phone, and security lighting on all outbuildings and kennels.
  • Never leave ladders or tools around that can be used by thieves to gain entry.
  • Sign up to local and regional neighbourhood watch programmes so you are aware of other local thefts in the area. Make sure to note down the registration numbers of any suspicious looking vehicles.

If you're having a litter of puppies

  • Be extra vigilant.
  • Don't put signs by the roadside to indicate you have puppies for sale.
  • If potential buyers come to see your puppies make sure you have someone with you and show them the puppies one by one.

If your dog is stolen

  • All dogs must now, by law, be microchipped, so ensure your details are up to date, report it to Petlog and register the dog's microchip as missing so it will show up when scanned.
  • Swift action is a necessity – make sure you call 999 and get a crime reference number. Also contact your Local Council, Dogwarden and RSPCA to alert them should the dog be handed in.
  • Talk to neighbours and check with your local community – postal workers, milk men, shop keepers etc.
  • Take photos of your dogs from several angles and keep them with your dogs' documents, making sure to document any specific markings or features.
  • Use social media to spread the word and let people know what has happened, this can make the dog 'too hot to handle', increasing the chance of it being returned to you. Forums and Facebook groups are good places to post messages, but be aware of hoaxers claiming to know where your dog is if you provide money.
  • Keep the police up to date and always allow them to follow up any potential leads.

What is the Countryside Alliance doing?

Pet theft is driven by organised crime and is seen as a low-risk, high-reward offence. In recent years only one per cent of dog theft crimes have led to a prosecution. Under the Theft Act 1968, pets are classed as property, making a stolen Labrador equal to a stolen laptop.

The Countryside Alliance has worked with organisations such as PetTheft UK, campaigning for a change in the law to make pet theft a specific offence, giving courts access to appropriate custodial sentences to act as a deterrent, provide punishment and protect the public.

In September 2021, it was announced that under new government plans aiming to crack down on the increasing number of reported pet thefts, a new criminal offence for pet abduction would be introduced. This new offence comes as a recommendation from the Government's Pet Theft Taskforce which launched in May 2021.