Countryside Alliance News

Hound and horse welfare a priority ahead of the Festival of Hunting

Written by Polly Portwin | 17 July 2022

Thousands of hunt supporters will be heading to the East of England Showground on Wednesday, 20th July, ahead of the prestigious Peterborough Royal Foxhound Show and the Festival of Hunting to celebrate all types of hounds, however, with the country currently experiencing extremely high temperatures, advice has been circulated to ensure the highest level of animal welfare is maintained for the hounds and horses taking part at this year's event.

The East of England Agricultural Society and Festival of Hunting have a comprehensive animal welfare policy in place, with vets on site for all of the hounds and the horses taking part in the inter-hunt relay competition. There will be ample water available with access to shade in and around the hound rings and the collecting ring for the inter-hunt relay. In consultation with the chief veterinary officer and chief medical officer, the organisers of the event will be prepared to modify any classes they see fit if the weather conditions on the day dictate that there would otherwise be an unacceptable level of risk to the welfare of the animals exhibiting, or their handlers.

The British Hound Sports Association, the governing body for hunting with hounds, has also provided guidance to hunts to ensure that hounds do not travel during the day ahead of this year's event. Advice has been issued regarding travelling late at night or early in the morning when temperatures are lower as well as providing access to water and ensuring that sufficient water is on board in case needed throughout the journey.

Polly Portwin, the Countryside Alliance's Director of the Campaign for Hunting said: "Animal welfare is at the forefront of the minds of all those who are responsible for pets, working animals and livestock across the country, none more so than those participating with hounds and horses at the Festival of Hunting. Hunts showing their hounds and those participating in the inter-hunt relay are acutely aware of the dangers of travelling and competing in extreme conditions and will no doubt do everything within their powers to ensure the highest standards of animal welfare are maintained at all times."