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The Countryside Alliance was joined by Peers, Members of the Senedd, MPs, Ministers including...
about this blogRead moreStuck for ideas this summer? Here are some thoughts on the new and ever increasingly popular, pop-up restaurant faze. The running theme throughout these pop-ups is their small and cosy atmosphere, their beautiful location and the majority of the time, brilliantly, ethically, and locally sourced food (and sometimes drink). Who wouldn't want to try different types of food in entirely new environments?
One such pop-up that far surpasses all expectation is organised by The Foragers. They have been supplying first class food to 'The Skyroom' in London Bridge every Saturday this month.
The Foragers, who hail from St. Albans, forage themselves for the majority of their food from the fields and hedgerows of Hertfordshire, whilst also never failing to provide some sort of game and other often overlooked foods to their menu. Last Saturday it was a tasty venison burger with crab apple ketchup, which followed beautifully on from the starter of the more unusual air dried mutton – which was delicious no matter how sceptical we were. Other combinations of game specials are available from week to week, showing the presence of game throughout the summer can still be strong.
This new faze of pop-ups can only serve to benefit sales of game, especially with these pop-ups reaching new customers not normally associated with game. Having tried and tested ourselves, The Foragers is just one prime example of a company who are getting wild and local produce along with game into their menu and are being shown the rewards for it.
The Foragers website is and all their pop-up events can be seen on their website as well. A quick search on the internet can find you numerous more opportunities to be introduced to the wonderful world of pop-up.
Furthermore if your company is organising a pop-up restaurant or event surrounding game we would love to here more about it at [email protected].
Articles and news
The Countryside Alliance was joined by Peers, Members of the Senedd, MPs, Ministers including...
about this blogRead moreAll sectors involved in rearing animals are under pressure to reduce antibiotic use. The game...
about this blogRead moreA new poll has found that game shooting is more popular than ever, especially among younger people.
about this blogRead moreWe are the most effective campaigning organisation in the countryside.