Countryside Alliance News

Langstone Harbour Juniors

Written by Countryside Alliance | 23 March 2015

Countryside Alliance member John Trapmore has reported back on the recent annual Langstone Harbour Junior Boat Fishing competition that he organises every year off the Hampshire coast at Portsmouth. The Countryside Alliance is proud to support this event, which introduces and enthuses youngsters to sea fishing and, as John says, hooks some kids for life.

This year's boat winner was 10 year old Jenny, pictured with skipper Dave Adams and her fish of the day - a 5 1/2lb Thornback Ray.

John reports: "Despite the good weather, the fishing was generally poor. The day didn't start well as a choppy south easterly force five greeted us as we left the harbour. The kids were soon cowering behind the wheelhouse to avoid the spray but thankfully the wind subsided, the sun came out and I had no cases of sea sickness all day! The Smoothounds that normally form most of the catch were few and far between but all the children enjoyed catching the Mackerel that thankfully were plentiful. Again, many thanks for all the goodies that the Countryside Alliance kindly sent. I hope we have achieved our objective of getting some of the 22 children hooked for life."

John continues: "It was a special day for other reasons. Dave Adams, who has been the driving force in this competition for the past 11 years has decided to retire and the "Torbay Belle" has now been sold. It was his final day on the "Belle" after 37 years. It was also the day when the third generation of my own family fished on "Torbay Belle". If you look through the wheelhouse window you may just spot Patrick fishing hard at the stern just like his Father and late Grandfather before him!"