Countryside Alliance News

Launch of the Campaign for Shooting Season Badge 2023/24

Written by Countryside Alliance | 30 May 2023

We are pleased to announce the launch of the iconic Campaign for Shooting Season Badge for the 2023/24 season.

The Campaign for Shooting is at the forefront of promoting and protecting shooting in Westminster, across the devolved administrations, in the media and on the ground. Our opponents are well funded, and it is essential that we have the necessary resources if we are to effectively challenge the many threats that continue to face us.

The income generated through the sale of the Campaign for Shooting’s Season Badge is extremely important to us, as membership subscriptions alone are insufficient to cover costs, which include the fighting of legal challenges that are brought against our sport.

The new Season Badge is now available online here, so please buy one, and encourage your friends to do likewise.

For those in a position to do so, shoot sweepstakes are another excellent way in which you can help raise funds for the Campaign. If you would like to be sent a PDF of this year's new sweepstake card, please email