Countryside Alliance News

Lobby your parliamentary candidates - do they oppose a ban on lead shot?

Written by Countryside Alliance | 17 March 2015

The Countryside Alliance has launched a new campaign asking rural voters to contact their Parliamentary candidates ahead of the General Election on 7th May. Take part here. This online e-lobby reads: "Congratulations on your selection. As a voter in your constituency I wanted to draw your attention to Countryside Alliance's General Election Manifesto and ask you whether you are supportive of the Alliance's manifesto and its campaigns." Please let us know the feedback you get from your candidates - contact [email protected]. You can download our General Election Manifesto, in which we oppose restrictions on lead shot and the re-opening of the EU Firearms Directive, here.

Executive Chairman Barney White-Spunner writes: Ahead of the General Election on 7th May the Countryside Alliance has launched a new e-campaign, enabling you to contact your local parliamentary candidates on rural issues.

The e-lobby sets out our own manifesto priorities for rural Britain and asks candidates to express their support for them.

The 2015 General Election is, the pundits tell us, the most important in living memory. The rural vote cannot be taken for granted and our e-lobby, and the responses you get, will help you decide who to back at the ballot box. The e-lobby puts you in direct contact with all of your local candidates and gives them the opportunity to articulate their thoughts on rural priorities.

Please take part in the e-lobby today and let us know what responses you receive. The e-lobby emails our own General Election Manifesto to each candidate and asks them to support its aims. The manifesto sets out key priorities for the next government to address. Wide-ranging in nature they cover food & farming, rural communities, wildlife management, digital communications and rural services.

Whoever forms the next government, there will be both opportunities for, and threats to, rural Britain. Those who care about the future of the countryside need to be ready and able to make their views known so that the Alliance is in the best position to promote their interests.