Countryside Alliance News

Management of game assurance scheme to transfer to Aim to Sustain

Written by Adrian Blackmore | 16 October 2023

It has been announced that the assurance scheme built by the British Game Assurance (BGA) is to transfer to Aim to Sustain (A2S) later this Autumn. As a partnership of eight different organisations with an interest in game management and shooting, and a dedication to high standards and self-regulation, Aim to Sustain is uniquely placed to expand and build on the invaluable work of the BGA since it launched in 2018, and lead the next generation of game assurance.

The Aim to Sustain Game Assurance Scheme will allow game farms, game shoots and estates to demonstrate publicly that they operate to the highest standards, having been independently verified by an accredited external auditor. These standards include assessment of animal health and welfare, food quality, environmental enhancement and protection, appropriate stocking levels, staff training, and health and safety. The scheme guarantees the quality of game meat through the Aim to Sustain assurance stamp, so consumers can be confident their game comes from an audited, high-quality source.

On transferring the assurance scheme to Aim to Sustain, the BGA will become known as Eat Wild. This will allow its efforts to be focused on ensuring a market for shot game, as without this, shooting loses the social license to continue. Eat Wild will remain a key driver of assurance through both the Aim to Sustain Game Assurance Scheme, and Quality Venison Scheme, and it will be taking on the challenging role of marketing and promoting venison. The game meat market has already been increased by 7% under the BGA, and Eat Wild is looking forward to continuing that trajectory.  A Q&A on Aim to Sustain Assurance can be read here and downloaded below.