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The Countryside Alliance has responded robustly to recent anti-shooting petitions at the National...
about this blogRead moreThe Countryside Alliance and BASC, representing FACE UK, held a series of meetings with senior MEPs at the European Parliament in Strasbourg this week (28 – 30 May) to stress the importance of maintaining and developing trade and travel opportunities for shooting post Brexit.
The talks were arranged by FACE, the umbrella organisation representing 7 million shooters and hunters in Europe who generate €16 billion to the European economy every year, which includes FACE UK who represents the leading sporting and conservation groups in this country.
The talks provided an important opportunity to highlight key issues which will impact hunters and shooters both in the UK and Europe as a result of Brexit, not just to UK MEPs but also representatives from other Member States including German MEP, Karl-Heinz Florenz; President of the European Parliament's Countryside Intergroup.
The meetings took place to inform the second phase of the Brexit negotiations on the UK's new relationship with Europe ahead of our departure from the EU on 29 March 2019. The Countryside Alliance has held similar meetings with MPs and Ministers in Westminster, including the Brexit Minister, Lord Callanan.
Countryside Alliance Head of Political, James Legge, commented: "Given the enormous importance of hunting and shooting to the UK economy and to the economies of other EU Member States we must continue to take every opportunity to ensure that this is recognised in both the UK and EU by all those involved at every level of the Brexit negotiations.
"From game exports and seasonal workers to the movement of people, animals and firearms there is everything to play for. This message needs to be heard loud and clear in Europe and UK. The Countryside Alliance will continue to work closely with FACE and our FACE UK partners to give a voice to these issues up to, and beyond, Brexit Day".
The FACE/FACE UK Brexit leaflet is available for download here
The Countryside Alliance Brexit Policy Document is available for download here
Articles and news
The Countryside Alliance has responded robustly to recent anti-shooting petitions at the National...
about this blogRead moreOn Monday 2nd November, First Minister Mark Drakeford announced a new set of post-lockdown...
about this blogRead moreRepresentatives from the Countryside Alliance regularly feature in both print and broadcast media....
about this blogRead moreWe are the most effective campaigning organisation in the countryside.