Countryside Alliance News

MPs debate illegal hare coursing following complaints from farmers

Written by Countryside Alliance | 1 December 2020

MPs considered the scourge of illegal hare coursing in a debate introduced by Gordon Henderson MP (Conservative, Sittingbourne & Sheppey), following complaints from farmers in his constituency. The debate allowed MPs to highlight the damage which this activity causes in rural communities, and to push for Government action.

MPs noted the derisory levels of fines being imposed by the courts and called on the Government to amend the Game Act to ensure that the police and courts had the full range of powers needed to help tackle these offences. MPs highlighted the work of the Hare Coursing Coalition, which represents a wide variety of organisations, including the NFU, Countryside Alliance and RSPCA, and whose action plan has been development with the police and has their support.

Responding for the Government, Rebecca Pow MP, acknowledged the scale of the problem and stated that DEFRA is "working very closely with the Home Office on this" and assured MPs that "messages have been heard". However, the continued failure of the Government to take the Coalition's proposals forward is regrettable, but the Minister did assure MPs that discussions are "ongoing".

The Alliance looks forward to continuing to work with the Government to tackle illegal hare coursing, including strengthening the game laws. For too long the Government has found reasons not to act. There is a clear consensus as to what the Government needs to do, and the Government should now get on and deliver.