Countryside Alliance News

National Rural crime survey Launched

Written by Countryside Alliance | 20 May 2015

The largest ever survey into crime in rural areas has been launched in England, Wales and Northern Ireland to investigate the true impact of offences on countryside communities. The survey, launched by the National Rural Crime Network (NRCN)*, backed by the Countryside Alliance and supported by the Home Office, is calling for people who work or live in rural areas to come forward and give their views on countryside crimes, the impact they have on the wider community and to help shape the future of crime prevention and rural policing.Click here to take part.

The full scale of crime in rural areas has never before been assessed, which is why we are encouraging anyone living or working in rural areas to take part in the survey to help build a picture of what is a widespread but often misunderstood issue, which is why we are emailing. We need your help in spreading the message of this survey to your constituents. I attach a draft press release pledging your support, which we would like you to send to your local media, promote through your website and circulate on social media. The survey will be open until Wednesday 24 June and to complete the survey, you just need to click here. We have written to parliamentarians asking them to back this survey and help us to uncover the rural crime priorities, whether that be gundog theft, livestock rustling, fly-tipping or other issues.

Whilst official figures show rural crime, like crime in general, is falling, what we are concerned about are the wider implications of offences. The threat of crime can be as detrimental to people's feeling of safety as crimes themselves so we are keen to find out more through this survey. Our aim is to build a clear picture of the issue to shape future policing delivery and ensure funding is spent where it is most needed, rather than simply being channelled to urban conurbations. The ultimate aim is to make rural communities safer.

*The National Rural Crime Network (NRCN) is supported by 29 Police and Crime Commissioners and police forces across England and Wales. The Network, established in July 2014, includes a wide range of organisations with an interest in community safety and rural affairs such as the Countryside Alliance and the Neighbourhood Watch.

The survey will be open until Wednesday 24 June. To complete the survey, click here

For more information on the NRCN visit: