Countryside Alliance News

New firearms licensing consultation launched

Written by Adrian Blackmore | 30 June 2023

The government has launched a consultation to seek views on the recommendations it has received for changes to the legislation on firearms licensing, possible changes to the system of referees, and changes in other areas of firearms licensing. The recommendations to the Home Office have been made in: the report from the Coroner for the Keyham inquest following the deaths of those shot and killed by Jake Davison in Keyham in August 2021; the subsequent report by the Independent Office for Police Conduct following its investigation into Devon and Cornwall Police’s decision-making in relation to Jake Davison’s possession of a shotgun and shotgun certificate; and the report by the Scottish Affairs Select Committee following its review of firearms licensing regulations in Scotland after the fatal shooting of John MacKinnon on the Isle of Skye in August 2022.

The government has yet to make any decision on the recommendations on which it is seeking views, and it will carefully consider all views received on the various recommendations. Public safety is its priority, but at the same time the government believes “the measures to manage the risk to public safety must be proportionate, and balanced with the fact that the vast majority of licensed firearms holders are law abiding and cause no concern”. It is for this reason that the government has decided not to proceed with recommendations on aligning shotgun and firearms legislation, recognising that shotguns are already subject to significant controls, and important in helping farmers control vermin on their land, as well as being used in a variety of rural pursuits. Whilst the government will keep this under review, it believes that additional controls on shotguns are unnecessary and would have a negative impact on their legitimate use.

Please note: the consultation, which was open to all those with an interest in firearms licensing in England, Wales, and Scotland, has now closed.