Countryside Alliance News

Our Director for Wales at Spring Political conferences

Written by Countryside Alliance | 26 March 2015

Countryside Alliance Director for Wales, Rachel Evans, reports from the Spring political conferences and the high-profile speakers who came to our events to outline their vision for the rural vote.

Welsh Labour Party Conference

Rachel Evans and Sarah Lee attended the Welsh Labour Party conference in Swansea and held a successful fringe meeting entitled "How can Welsh Labour win the rural vote?". The meeting was chaired by Rachel Evans with a panel consisting of Joyce Watson AM, Huw Thomas PPC for Ceredigion and Calum Higgins PPC for Carmarthen East and Dinefwr.

Welsh Conservative Party Conference and Welsh Liberal Democrats Conference

Rachel Evans and Sarah Lee attended the Welsh Conservative Party conference in Cardiff and held a fringe meeting, with speakers including Russell George AM for Montgomeryshire and Chris Davies PPC for Brecon and Radnorshire. The title of the fringe was once again, "How can the Welsh Conservatives win the rural vote?". The fringe meeting was full to capacity. Rachel Evans chaired the meeting and there was an in depth discussion and concerns about rural services were well aired. There was also the opportunity to speak to MPs and Assembly Members including Stephen Crabb MP and the leader of the Welsh Conservatives, Andrew R T Davies.

Welsh Liberal Democrats Conference

The Welsh Conservative conference was followed immediately by the Welsh Liberal Democrats conference. At the Alliance's fringe event the speakers were Roger Williams MP for Brecon and Radnorshire, William Powell AM for Mid and West Wales and Veronica German PPC for Monmouthshire.

Plaid Cymru Party Conference

Rachel Evans attended the Plaid Cymru conference in North Wales. There was an opportunity to discuss the Hunting Act and possible changes with Jonathan Edwards MP who is fully supportive of repeal. Discussions with many of the Assembly Members and PPCs proved beneficial with broadband being the most talked about subject. Elin Jones AM stressed that hunting remains a free vote within the party.