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"Our man-made countryside requires wildlife management"

Countryside Alliance Animal Welfare Consultant Jim Barrington has written an essay for Conservative blog site Bright Blue in which he makes the case for wildlife management.

In " Our man-made countryside requires wildlife management" Jim writes: "It's no surprise that 'Conservative' groups have now been formed, all designed to create the impression that the views expressed are held by the mainstream of the Tory Party. But look a little harder and some uncomfortable facts emerge, the first being that these groups have been formed and are run by the same few people, the 'founder' being a committee member of the League Against Cruel Sports – an organisation that has been censured a number of times for producing anti-Tory material in contradiction of Charity Commission rules. There are also links with Brian May's Save Me Trust, a body that has also strongly criticised the Conservative Party; requests as to who is funding these groups are consistently refused."
Read Jim's blog in full.

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