Countryside Alliance seeking candidates for...
We are now seeking candidates to stand for election to our Board to fill two new vacancies and one caused by the...
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We are now seeking candidates to stand for election to our Board to fill two new vacancies and one caused by the...
about this blogRead moreAt the Game Fair at Ragley Hall today the Countryside Alliance and eight other rural organisations will be launching a...
about this blogRead moreAs usual I managed to park at entirely the wrong end of the Great Yorkshire Show on Tuesday morning, which meant...
about this blogRead moreEvery year, media interest in the annual Countryside Alliance Awards grows. With 18,000 nominations this year, multiple...
about this blogRead moreThe Efra Select Committee is taking evidence on the Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill, currently making its way through...
about this blogRead moreCountryside Alliance Chief Executive, Tim Bonner, was published in the Western Morning News this week in response to...
about this blogRead moreI spent the week before last in the flow country of Caithness and North Sutherland chasing trout in the lochs and...
about this blogRead moreThe Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) are currently researching the impact of mobile coverage in...
about this blogRead moreThe Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill was debated in the Upper House's Grand Committee on Tuesday 6 July, in which two...
about this blogRead moreHare poaching, often called illegal coursing, has been a significant problem nearly everywhere there are decent numbers...
about this blogRead more400 young pheasants have been killed by a fox after the padlocks to the door of a pheasant pen were tampered with and...
about this blogRead moreThe Countryside Alliance has submitted evidence to the DCMS consultation on improving broadband for hard to reach...
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