Countryside Alliance News

Scottish Countryside Alliance response to the Government's announcement on the shortening of dogs ta

Written by Countryside Alliance | 4 October 2016

The Scottish Countryside Alliance (SCA) is pleased that legislation will be changed in Scotland to allow the docking of the tails of working spaniel and hunt point retriever puppies, on welfare grounds.

SCA director Jamie Stewart said: "We welcome this decision and the releasing of the analysis of responses to the Scottish Government's consultation on the proposal.

"An overwhelming majority, ninety two percent (92%), of respondents to the consultation agreed that vets in Scotland should be allowed to dock the tails of spaniel and hunt point retriever puppies if they believe on the evidence presented to them that they are likely to be used for working in future and that the pain of docking is outweighed by the possible avoidance of more serious injuries in later life.

"It has been a journey to get to this point, with many individuals and organisations working together to support an exemption based on animal welfare concerns. We therefore welcome the announcement by Roseanna Cunningham, Cabinet Secretary for Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform."

In the same release the Cabinet Secretary announced that the use of electronic training collars may continue, but only under the guidance of an authorised person. The SCA supports this as there is no documented evidence of deliberate abuse of collars on animals in Scotland and there are examples of use in certain circumstances to benefit the welfare of some animals.