Countryside Alliance News

Shooting groups lobby MEP over changes to European Firearms Directive

Written by Countryside Alliance | 29 January 2016

The Countryside Alliance joined a number of other organisations this week at a roundtable event to discuss recently proposed amendments to the European Firearms Directive. Chairing the meeting was Vicky Ford MEP who is rapporteur of the Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee charged with agreeing and preparing the amendments before a vote occurs in the European Parliament.

The European Commission's stated objective regarding the Firearms Directive is to tackle illicit trafficking and terrorism. However, we believe the current set of proposals will have a serious effect on sporting and target shooting, collectors, museums, re-enactors and the gun trade, resulting in heavy restrictions and a great deal more work for the already overburdened police force. In fact it appears that the only group that will not be affected by these proposals is terrorists.

In particular the Countryside Alliance is opposed to the imposition by Europe of a 'standard medical test' for all new licences granted or renewed and the proposed restrictions on shooting by those under the age of 18. We have already raised our numerous concerns with UK MEPs including Ms Ford, the Home Office and Mike Penning MP, the Minister responsible for firearms. We were extremely grateful to have this opportunity to speak at the event.

Jack Knott of the Countryside Alliance said: "The roundtable event was a success. We got our views over to Vicky Ford and it was encouraging to hear her say that the current proposals are 'a rushed text with a number of unintended consequences'.

"It was clear that the Committee and Ms Ford are more than happy to listen to our concerns, and more importantly, now understand the consequences of each of the proposals and all potential logical alternatives. We will be coordinating all our efforts and tabling our amendments through FACE UK (Federation of Associations for Hunting and Conservation) and will keep our members up to date throughout the process."