Countryside Alliance News

“Stark ignorance of rural life”: a response to George Monbiot

Written by Countryside Alliance | 9 October 2023

The Countryside Alliance's new Shooting Campaign Manager, Roger Seddon, has written an open response to George Monbiot's latest anti-shooting column in The Guardian newspaper, first published on Friday 6 October 2023 to coincide with the start of the pheasant shooting season. 

Roger's rebuttal letter was sent to The Guardian for publication.


George Monbiot’s column, 'Britain’s pheasant shooting season has begun. And a year-round massacre makes it possible', of October 6th displays a stark ignorance of rural life, which could easily be considered misinformation.

Game shooting in the UK is a linchpin in the countryside, providing huge socio-economic and conservation benefits. Thousands of jobs are maintained by shooting, and overall, shooting contributes £2bn to the UK economy. The societal benefit of shooting should not be underestimated. In numerous areas, shooting acts as a community focus, bolstering mental and physical fitness for those of all ages. 

The control of predators, such as the carrion crow and the fox is essential work for the conservation of many red-listed birds in the British Isles, such as the curlew. A quarter of a billion pounds is spent on conservation efforts by the shooting community each year.

Shot birds are eaten and enjoyed. Game is a healthy, high-welfare, environmentally beneficial and delicious option for the table. Its consumption must be encouraged.

Roger Seddon 
Countryside Alliance, LONDON