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Steven Edwards at the Camellia Restaurant Horsham goes for game!

The 2 AA Rosette Camellia Restaurant within beautiful South Lodge Hotel, Horsham, Sussex has fresh local ingredients on its contemporary menus including game when in season.

Head Chef Steven Edwards is a huge fan of game and some of the exciting dishes he has created are Wood Pigeon with Parsley Root and Plum Compote and Venison Tartar with Pickled Beetroot, Shallot and Viola Flowers.

Steven said: 'I love cooking with game because it is ultra seasonal. You can't get pheasant unless it is in season so in the short months it is available there is a real buzz around the kitchen as to what we are going to do with it.'

After winning Sussex young chef of the year in 2010, Steven has worked his way through the ranks at South Lodge Hotel to become Head chef of the award winning Camellia restaurant. Having fresh vegetables from the hotels walled garden and the finest Sussex ingredients at his disposal, Steven has developed his own unique style in creating balanced, modern, seasonal dishes with the focus on getting the most out of each ingredient he uses. Try his recipe below for Venison Tartar with pickled beetroot, shallots and viola flowers

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Venison Tartar with pickled beetroot, shallots and viola flowers


1-2 raw venison fillets

25g Capers (fine chopped)

1g Parsley (fine chopped)

2g Chives (fine chopped)

25g Shallots (fine chopped)

30g Ketchup

5g Worcestershire Sauce

20g Mayo

10g Wholegrain Mustard

  • Pat venison dry and dice up very small.

  • Mix all ingredients together to taste

  • Season and leave to one side for plating.

  • This recipe can be used with cooked diced beetroot


  • Remove the crusts from a slice of white bread.

  • Dice very small

  • Rub with some oil and salt and cook in the oven for 6-8 minutes at 170c until nice and golden.


  • Peel a banana shallot and slice very thin on a mandolin and then separate out into rings.

Pickled beetroot:

  • Peel raw beetroot and slice on a mandolin thinly.

  • Cut out with a 40mm circular cutter, you will need 10 discs per portion

  • Heat up a pickling liquor (equal amounts of water, white wine, white wine vinegar)

  • Cook in the liquor for 4-6 minutes (or until just cooked)

  • Remove from the liquor and allow to cool.

Orange zest:

  • Peel an orange and with a sharp knife scrape the inside of the peelings to remove the pith. Then slice very thinly

Plating up:

  • With 5 beetroot discs overlay in bowl to create a circle

  • Now carefully place the venison tartar mix on top (about 60g)

  • With the remaining 5 beetroot discs repeat on top of the venison to make a sandwich

  • Garnish on top with a few croutons, shallot rings, orange zest and a few fresh viola flowers.

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