Countryside Alliance News

'Take a View' Photography Competition sponsored by Harkila – winner and runner up

Written by Countryside Alliance | 22 February 2018

We had a huge response to our 'Take a View' photography competition sponsored by Harkila and we would just like to to say a huge thank you to all those who took the time to enter. We had hundreds of wonderful entries to sift through and the calibre of entries was extremely high. However we are very pleased to announce that we have chosen our winner. Drum roll please....... a huge congratulations goes to Joe Bradbury for his stunning photograph. Joe has won himself three fantastic prizes worth £500 from our 2018 photo competition partner Harkila and his picture will be featuring in the Spring issue of My Countryside Magazine.


Name: Joe Bradbury
Description: 'Early spring mornings in Derbyshire open up the valleys to a world of natural beauty by hiding all man made in the mist.'


A ginormous congratulations also goes to our runner-up, Bob Mould, for his fantastic photograph.

Name: Bob Mould
Description: 'Looking up to Glaisdale High Moor from Bainly Bank above Fryup, with the heather full out and bees hives in the field, taken August 2017.'

Do keep your eyes on our website for the next photography competition and you could be seeing your photograph in the next edition of our magazine.