Countryside Alliance Ireland stands with...
Following the budget by Chancellor Rachel Reeves, Countryside Alliance Ireland has been...
about this blogRead moreAs our members and supporters know, the Countryside Alliance has been a vocal opponent of the family farm tax, announced in the recent Budget by Rachel Reeves. As well as launching a popular e-lobby to carry our message to MP inboxes directly, we shall be joining family farmers at the #WeJustWantToFeedYou protest on Tuesday 19 November, the details of which can be found below.
With young farmers already struggling, a potential 20% inheritance tax could make it impossible to keep these farms in the family. This decision risks stripping rural Britain of its lifeblood: the small, family-run farms that sustain our rural communities and food security. Defra’s figures show that these changes will affect two-thirds of farms.
Additionally, we have exposed the new tax reclassification of double-cab pickups, an essential vehicle for farmers and others working in the countryside. The vehicles will now be taxed as company cars starting in April 2025. This reclassification could raise taxes by over 200%, making a crucial tool unaffordable for many.
You can do your part to support the Countryside and our farming community by taking these actions:
Firstly, our ‘Stop the family farm tax’ e-lobby is a crucial tool in directing emails to inboxes of MPs up and down the country, urging them to lobby Rachel Reeves to reconsider her controversial decision to scrap inheritance tax relief on farmland, as well as taxing twin cab pickups.
Since it was launched last week, thousands of people have already fired off emails to MPs, including over 50 newly-elected Labour MPs in rural constituencies like Morecambe and Lonsdale, Penrith and Solway and North West Cambridgeshire.
Additionally, the Countryside Alliance will be standing with the #WeJustWantToFeedYou protest in Westminster planned for next Tuesday 19 November (11am- 2pm).
This demonstration will take place alongside a separate NFU lobby of MPs for its members, which is at full capacity. This is your opportunity to stand in support of our farmers and the countryside. It is important that you register your attendance so that the organisers can keep track of numbers and relay information to you about the event and proceedings directly.
This is not a Countryside Alliance demonstration, but it is an important opportunity to show solidarity with our farming members, supporters and wider community at a protest organised by working farmers.
Please do register your attendance NOW using this link.
Organisers of the protest have shared the following information about timings, location and what to expect on the day:
Attendees are asked to gather on Richmond Terrace, Westminster (What3Words fresh.butter.grapes) at 11am on 19 November, with speakers from across agriculture, TV and politics due to show their support for family farms and wider businesses.
Following several speeches, a procession will take place to Parliament Square. The procession will be spearheaded by a number of children on toy tractors, signifying the impact of the devastating budget on the future of farming and the countryside. The procession will then return to Richmond Terrace for the final address by NFU President, Tom Bradshaw.
If you are a Countryside Alliance member and plan on attending the protest, please do let our team know by emailing:
The organisers remind all attendees of their responsibilities to, not only themselves, but also, the reputation of the farming industry. We therefore ask that all attendees ensure that Richmond Terrace and the surrounding areas are left as they are found, including removing all litter and campaign materials. Organisers remind attendees that they should not bring machinery. Trouble will not be tolerated, and organisers continue to work closely with the Metropolitan Police to ensure the safety of all involved, given the family nature of the event.
For attendees making their way to London by train, the nearest tube station is Westminster. For attendees making their way by coach, Westminster Council has asked that all drop offs are done within the bounds of normal traffic laws and that coaches park in the designated bays across the Westminster Borough. A list of bays is provided below:
Following the budget by Chancellor Rachel Reeves, Countryside Alliance Ireland has been...
about this blogRead moreWriting for the Shooting Times, Tim Bonner reflects on the government's policies announced within...
about this blogRead moreAs I wrote last week, the government’s decision to scrap inheritance tax relief on agricultural...
about this blogRead moreWe are the most effective campaigning organisation in the countryside.