Thank you to everyone who supported hunting by responding to the Countryside Alliance's national and local campaigns to help protect festive meets taking place in towns and villages across the country following targeted attacks on local councils ahead of the festive period. Local lobbying, coordinated in conjunction with local hunts has proved to be very effective, including most recently in Cornwall where councillors expressed their support for the continuation of trail hunting on council-owned land.
Local councils, private and institutional landowners, pubs and venues that host meets or hunt events and businesses that support events like point-to-points and team chases or those which are owned by individuals who take part in lawful hunting activities, continue to be targeted by those opposed to our way of life.
We know that many of you wish to show your support for the continuation of our lawful activities so please find below some different ways that you can get involved and help protect the future of hunting with hounds:
- If you attended a festive meet held in a town, village or other public space, please write to the respective council where the meet was held to thank them for permitting the meet to go ahead. This is particularly important in council areas where the future of hunting on council-owned land has been under threat. We recommend that when you write you acknowledge the pressure councils are under and that therefore you do not require a response to your correspondence.
- Show your gratitude to the pubs and other venues that host hunt meets or hunt events by booking a table or hosting a hunt supper event and let them know you are a hunt follower who is grateful for their generosity.
- Support other businesses, such as agricultural suppliers, insurance companies, feed merchants, hunting attire outfitters or any other organisations that are prepared to sponsor hunt events or demonstrate their support for hunting in any way.
- If you are aware of a business or an individual being targeted online or harassed/intimidated, please report any relevant posts on social media and encourage those affected to contact the Countryside Alliance so they can be given advice about how to make the appropriate complaints.
- Please continue to monitor your local town and county council meeting agendas. If there are any matters relating to rural issues that we could assist with, please contact the Countryside Alliance immediately.
- Consider becoming a local councillor so you can make a difference in your area. If you would like further advice, please contact the Countryside Alliance or click here.
The Countryside Alliance will continue to stand-up for hunting with hounds in local areas and be an influential voice in Parliament, campaigning for you and the needs of the countryside.
Thank you for your ongoing support.