Countryside Alliance News

The Gloriously Tasty Grouse

Written by Countryside Alliance | 31 March 2015

Here is a selection of the finest Grouse Recipes known to mankind, feast your eyes on every single one of them. Once finished and decidedly hungry, we have a selection of internet based companies where you can obtain the tastiest and most seasonal game bird out there. Bring on this short but sensational season…

  1. Grouse Carpaccio – Clarissa Dickson-Wright

  1. Grouse, Fried Brioche and Fig Puree – Kevin Mangeolles

  1. Grouse with Beetroot Salad – Angela Hartnett

  1. Roast Grouse with Blackberries and Port Wine Jus - William Drabble

  1. Roast Grouse with Hispi Cabbage – Kimmo Makkonen

  1. Game to Eat also has its own comprehensive list of Grouse Recipes.

To truly make the most out of your Grouse –

  1. Game Soup – Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall

The following is a short list of internet companies selling grouse and other game throughout the season.

If you know of any other fantastical recipes that should be included in this list or companies that sell grouse online pleast do get in touch [email protected]