Countryside Alliance News

The main parties on Rural Communities

Written by Countryside Alliance | 15 April 2015

The main parties have now launched their manifestos ahead of the General Election on 7th May. We bring you the main points from each one relating to a key part of our own manifesto - rural communities and housing. Read our own manifesto chapter on rural communities here.


  • Build 200,000 new Starter Homes exclusively for first time buyers

  • Extend the Help to Buy Equity Loan Scheme to 2020 and introduce a new Help to Buy ISA to support people saving for a deposit

  • Ensure local people have more control over planning and protect the Green Belt

  • Support locally-led garden cities and towns where communities want them such as Ebbsfleet and Bicester

  • Establish Coastal Communities Fund to help boost skills and create jobs in seaside areas

  • Build 1,400 new flood defences to protect 300,000 homes

  • Allow councils to tackle small- scale fly-tipping through Fixed Penalties rather than costly prosecutions


  • Scrap the Government's Help to Buy Scheme

  • Reduce VAT on housing renovation and repair work to 5%

  • Increase the social housing budget from £1.5 to £6 billion to provide 500,000 social rented homes

  • Reform private rented sector including the introduction of five-year fixed term tenancy agreements


  • Introduce greater transparency in the land market and give councils new 'use it or lose it' powers to encourage developers to build as soon as planning consent is granted

  • Build a new generation of garden cities

  • Prioritise investment in flood prevention

  • Promote access to green spaces in local planning

Lib Dem

  • Build at least 10 new garden cities including five major settlements along a new railway line between Oxford and Cambridge

  • Review compulsory purchase legislation and pilot techniques for capturing the increase in land values from the granting of planning consent for garden cities

  • Enable councils to levy up to 200% Council Tax on second homes

  • Introduce Nature Act with 'fuller' Right to Roam legislation and a new designation of National Nature Park to protect up to 1 million acres of accessible green space

  • Set up a commission to research back-to-nature flood prevention schemes and introduce high standards for flood resilience for buildings and infrastructure in flood risk areas

  • Increase the rate of house building to 300,000 a year


  • Replace the National Planning Policy Framework and introduce new national planning guidelines prioritising brownfield sites for housing development and strengthening protection of the Green Belt

  • Aim to build 1 million homes on brownfield sites by 2025

  • Not allow housing on prime agricultural land

  • Remove government imposed targets on councils for house building

  • Promote smaller 6-12 unit developments in rural areas to extend existing villages

  • Remove VAT on repair work to listed buildings