Countryside Alliance News

The RSPCA, the BBC and trial by media

Written by Tim Bonner | 30 August 2018

Countryside Alliance Chief Executive Tim Bonner writes:

It is a strange truth that many organisations and institutions deal entirely differently with issues in the countryside to the way they would in a town or city. Just try dressing up with your friends in paramilitary gear and a balaclava for a trip to your local football stadiums and you will see exactly what I mean.

This differential treatment was highlighted by two of the highest profile organisations in the country in a case reported by the Daily Telegraph this week. Firstly the RSPCA, which has an unfortunate record of politicising rural issues, tried to question Chris White a Derbyshire farmer and hunt Master, about spurious allegations about trapping badgers made by animal rights extremists. Then the BBC accepted a heavily edited video from the same extremists and ran a news story based on those spurious allegations which included Mr White and his role as the Joint Master of the Barlow Hunt in their coverage, making him instantly identifiable.

This all came just days after a High Court judge in the Cliff Richard case had had told the BBC that individuals subject to investigation have a "reasonable expectation of privacy". In Mr White's case not only did he have a "reasonable expectation of privacy", but as the police have subsequently confirmed no crime had even occurred that could be investigated.

Since the BBC story was published Mr White has received abuse online and harassment around his home. He has received death threats, had trackers placed on his car and seen drones filming around his home.

He has called it "trial by social media", but actually it is worse than that. It was the RSPCA and the BBC, not anonymous social media users, who gave these allegations credibility and pointed the public spotlight at Mr White. This was trial by a state broadcaster and a national animal welfare charity which should know much, much better.

Tim Bonner
Chief Executive
Follow me at @CA_TimB