Countryside Alliance News

Time is running out: Last chance to vote to save trail-hunting

Written by Countryside Alliance | 11 October 2017

Time is running out for members of the National Trust to use their vote to help save legal trail-hunting by voting AGAINST the members' resolution that proposes to ban this legal activity from taking place on National Trust land. Votes must be received – either online or by post – before 11:59pm on Friday, 13th October.

Trail-hunting – which is a legal activity that complies with the Hunting Act 2004 – does not involve the chasing of live quarry and is enjoyed by hundreds of thousands of people that wish to access the countryside while following hounds. Please see our guide to trail-hunting.

It is important to remember that since the Hunting Act was enforced in February 2005, there has not been a single successful prosecution of any hunt while carrying out trail-hunting on National Trust land.

During this campaign, the anti-hunting lobby has attempted to influence the vote by publishing false allegations about hunts, their supporters and their activities. They even resorted to erecting fake signs using the National Trust logo which urged people to vote for the members' resolution which is in direct contrast to the view of the National Trust board who recommended their members vote to save trail-hunting.

If you have not yet voted – or you know members of the National Trust that have yet to cast their vote – please do not miss the deadline to show your support for legal trail-hunting by voting AGAINST the members' resolution and encouraging others to do the same. For further details how to vote, please refer to our guide.

If you have already voted but have now decided you wish to attend the AGM, you are still able to do so – just send an email to advise the National Trust of your intentions - [email protected].